Horror , Music & Thriller Movie (Green Room).

The film revolves around a band that is involved in violent acts by a gang of skinheads to become team members are the only witnesses to the incident they are being pursued by a gang that wants to hide and get rid of witnesses and evidence of conviction.
I figured out my desert island band. Tell somebody who gives a shit.

Green Room has good content and a good story as well its a film manages to make the viewer tense and excited about what will happen next , the make-up and the effects they made in the film made the scenes of murder convincing to me and that's what I like about most of the films that contain blood and violence. Green Room contains some violent scenes that may succeed in putting fear in the heart of some of the watchers , the movie is classified as a horror film, although it was not scary to some extent but exciting and interesting.
Written & directed by Jeremy Saulnier He also did the same with (Blue Ruin) which is also one of the movies I'm looking forward to watch I think he did a good job of directing this film where he made it better and not worse , cinematography was also one of the things that deserved praise, as it was mixed with the music made the movie enjoyable.
The performance .. It was flawless and very good actually as it was very nice of all of the actors , the expressions of their faces were also good and you can read horror and panic on their faces, which makes you also worried and excited to see what comes next.

Thriller mixed with excitement and horror presented us Green Room which is not bad at all , it was fun and good to some point but I think I didn't like it that much to rate it a four or five stars but its an enjoyable movie still.

Thanks for reading! , Bye.