Crime , Drama & Thriller Movie (Nightcrawler).

A con man desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. 
An excellent movie goes to my favourites , im extremely in love with this movie and with every minute passed on watching it.
A fine addition that has been released in 2014 proving its probably the best cinematic year in 9 years beside 2016 for sure , a movie with such an idea and performance actually deserves alot of praise and recommendations.

Terrifically written and directed by Dan Gilroy as he actually showed his ability of presenting a fine and great movies such as this one.
Surprisingly sequence of events and unexpected ideas coming out in this movie making it a phenomenal one. 

Jake Gyllenhaal made an extra job in this one! , He has the capability of real acting and with that preformance he could be one of the best actors ever!
It all starts with the story and the way of directing and the preformance from the whole cast everything were shot perfectly.

Im not being partial for this movie since Jake is one of my favourite actors but honestly i can watch this movie 2 times per day and wont get bored of it.
Dont ask me why i just love it.

Rating : 8/10
Absloutley Recommended.
Thanks for reading! , Bye.