Horror , Thriller & Mystery Movie (Suspiria).

A young american travels to the prestigious dance company "Marcus Tans" in Berlin 1977's , once she arrive as a member of the company making unprecedented progress. Susie becomes a friend with another dancer who shares her doubts that the company's employees and even the company itself may be sheltering a terrible dark mystery.
It's all a mess: The one out there. The one in here. The one that's coming.
Suspiria was weird enough to attract my attention because i'm a fan of weird ballet dancing horror movies (Don't ask me about it) , a lot of the people i'm following and people i know has suggested this movie for me to watch because they say its horrific and elegant and as i dived into this adventure finding it fun and interesting more than i expected. A unique and bold experience to witness coming to the impressive and horrifying sequences which begins in the first half hour of the film. Suspiria sinks into the darkness of the witches in a series of events that some may admire and some not.
Hidden somewhere deep in these two gushy hours of melodrama lie the makings of a vaguely horrific film , Suspiria is one of the most successful films of the year and one that deserves to be seen , the movie was more like a serum we get injected by as its a cure to forget all the other horror movies they are making these days accompanied with breathtaking and aggressive scenes the movie has surpassed all the limits which my imagination can reach making it as good as any other horror movie i consider as my favourite.
Directed by Luca Guadagnino as he participate in making the film look like a masterpiece , fortunately i was able to witness it and gotta say I liked his work beside the cinematography everything was more than good , the movie was inspired by the 1977 Italian movie of the same title directed & written by the original writer Dario Argento , starring Dakota Johnson as the main character who is known for her role in Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy.
The performance of the main actor was good enough to be convincing which makes me think that Dakota Johnson presence lies in horror movies and not romantic (Trust me) , She did a good job of my opinion which added to the movie's virtues making it better. A lot of disturbing scenes that contains violence and blood in it making the movie uncomfortable to anyone who fears both of violence and blood , its a psychological horror movie more than a normal one.
The film was so good that it deserves mention and more popularity and i think i am able to say that the movie is likeable and anyone who cares about the genre of horror movies would admire it as it was good of all scales as it meets the requirements of making a weird horror movie that people may love and Suspiria did so.

Thanks for reading! , Bye.