There's a hundred-thousand streets in this city. You don't need to know the route. You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and i'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand?

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✍️ Kadry

With these words the film begins
Directed by Nicholas Winding Riven, and written by Hussein Amani, starring Ryan Gosling, Carrie Mulligan, Oscar Isaac, Robert Brooks, Brian Cranston, Ron Perleman, and Clive Martins.

The opening scene was beautiful, beautiful picture, clear artistic style and mysterious personality 

In fact, there are only a few filmmakers who can start their films in a way that captures viewers from the first scene of the film. Using his brilliance and his ability to present many cinematic elements that express many things in a mysterious and incomprehensible way, he succeeded in the opening scene or throughout the whole movie In the first scene in the film we see the driver standing at the window and we listening to his rules, We realize that he is an experienced person in this work and has his own way to do that. 
You will feel Rivin's touches in every scene in the film and you will notice a clear interest in the way the execution ، and the chase scenes remind us that the importance of these scenes in the films lies in the reason behind the chase itself, not to show the technology. 
The method of implementation of the work puts the viewer in a state of silence and anxiety from beginning to end, by presenting characters living on the sidelines of the life of criminality and the identity of the lost person; even the evil characters in it can not be described as belonging to the strongest or most powerful group, but they care about their livelihood and preserve their reputation In front of other gangs, despite their ingenuity in murder and their frightening and resonant words. The film as a whole belongs to a series of private and small criminal tales, such as the 1999 film "Revenge" by actor Mel Gibson, where they meet their dubious moods and their language mixed with ridiculous sentences full of deadly promises، But it is Nicholas Winding's touch  and the actors' choice is what makes the film worth the experience. The scenes of stalking, fighting and violent murder was great, and interesting characters with deep acting made it more beautiful.
With footage of the first chase between him and the police, it filmed in a superb manner where the best thing is the sound of the outside, the sound of the car, with complete dispensation of the footage of the destruction loud. Then, after this brief definition of the "driver", the film begins to thread the "knot" around him, and the beginning when he meets his neighbor - Carey Mulligan - loves her a silent love he can't declare it , without realizing that this silent love will have its bloody consequences in After a while, 
Ryan gossling's character was quiet and silent as if he had nothing to lose, and at the same time his character was cruel and brutal ، His main job in the daytime is working in a garage, and Doppler shoots dangerous scenes in chase movies, but if night comes and darkness begins his most important job: a driver of criminals in robberies

Hey, you want a toothpick?
The story of the film looks simple or conventional about a decent car leader who smuggles criminals after burglaries and has a love affair with his neighbor. The story of the film has appeared in many crime films, but here it is shown differently thanks to the beautiful style of Riven who made him a unique film.
The plot of the film, which included a crime and an intrusive hunt, does not reflect the real value of the film. It is not an ordinary crime film full of scenes of destruction and bullets. It goes beyond the aesthetics of its story. The soundtrack  and songs chosen by the director seem to have been specially designed to The movie , as the footage came with fixed cadres and soft movements homogeneous with the nature of the hero, even to appear in the end  as if he wants to wear - the form and content - the mystery and aura of magic that surrounds the "driver".

[on the phone with Irene] Can I talk to you? I won't keep you long. I have to go somewhere and I don't think I can come back. But I just wanted you to know. Getting to be around you and Benicio was the best thing that ever happened to me.
The best feature of the film is the carefully selected soundtrack
 and the dark, dark atmosphere that hangs over the length of the movie's appearance like a dark cloud that seems to be raining inevitably black blood at any moment.

Although the film received positive criticism from many critics and won the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival, viewers were different, some described it as great, others described it as boring, because the film was not what many expected and it was belonged to Art House , different from the traditional style of dramatic and criminal films, and have earned an estimated $ 35 million
The opening scene of the film may be the main reason for the difference in opinions about the film, a beautiful picture, which makes the viewer draw a picture in his mind about a movie called Drive, but what happens next we will not watch cars chase until a time from the middle of the film, if you accept this fact about  the Misleading opening You might like what is coming. In the end, whether you like the film or not, it remains one of the most unique films, but even more, it is perhaps the only one of its kind.

Rating: 9.5/10